Office Hours - LaunchVic

Office Hours


Office Hours is a service offered by LaunchVic to connect Victorian founders to specialists across a broad range of areas to help them in the early to mid-stages of their startup journey.

Topics have come from consulting with Victorian founders. They include:

Pitching Practice & Feedback with Peter Goldsworthy and Mark Newman

Ask Me Anything: The Alice Anderson Fund with Michelle Vu

Building Community Engagement Through Events with Josh Lipscombe

Engaging with Government with Elena Toh

Intro to LaunchVic with Jack Charles

Learn more about the sessions, and book in via LaunchVic’s Office Hours portal.


LaunchVic Office Hours

Welcome to LaunchVic’s Office Hours portal. Please click on any of the tiles below for more information on the session, or click the Calendly link to book in a time directly. If you have any questions, issues, or concerns, please email

Building Community Engagement Through Events

Josh Lipscombe

Community Programs Manager at LaunchVic

Session Description

If you’re looking to create a tribe of followers, rather than a list of customers, then events may be your perfect avenue for growth. Whilst it may seem like events are expensive and hard to manage, there is a way to build community engagement through events on a shoestring budget.

In this Office Hours session, LaunchVic’s Community Programs Manager, Josh Lipscombe will help you develop a concept for how events can be used for your startup. In addition to his work with LaunchVic, Josh has been building communities in Melbourne for almost 10 years, in which time he has also grown FuckUp Nights, supported Pause Fest, and worked with Melbourne’s original community-led coworking space, Inspire9.

Josh is a strong advocate for connecting people and opportunities through events and would love to know how he can help your startup create a community.

To book in a time with Josh for Office Hours, please click here. If you have any questions or concerns about this Office Hours session, please email

Connect with me on LinkedIn

Pitching Practise & Feedback

Michelle Vu

Investment Manager, Alice Anderson Fund at LaunchVic

Session Description

Are you a Founder or Investor interested in Alice Anderson Fund? Each month, LaunchVic Investment Manager, Michelle Vu, will be hosting a quick-fire AMA to help answer all of your burning questions.

To book in a time with Michelle, please click here. If you have any questions about the Alice Anderson Fund, please email

Connect with me on LinkedIn

Engaging With Government

Elena Toh

Operations Manager at LaunchVic

Session Description

As a startup, you may believe you have a product or service that can help governments solve a problem or a part of a problem but where do you start?

Getting close to government conversations and decisions can be exhausting and frustrating. However, securing a long term government contract can provide your startup with a stable platform to grow the business and an recognised anchor client to replicate around the world.

In this Office Hours Session, LaunchVic’s Operations Manager, Elena Toh, will help you work through if you are ready to connect with government and offer advice on how to best interact with the public sector.

Elena has worked within LaunchVic’s CivVic Labs team for over 5 years, working with a number of government departments and managing startup procurement contracts. Elena also has strong startup experience, having worked as Head of Operations at Rision.

To book in a time with Elena for Office Hours, please click here.

If you have any questions about this Office Hours session, please email

Intro to LaunchVic

Jack Charles

Community Lead at LaunchVic

Session Description

If you’re looking for more information about what LaunchVic does and our contribution to the Victorian Startup Ecosystem, you’re in the right place!

Book in a time with Jack Charles, The Community Lead at LaunchVic, to discover what founder opportunities are on offer.

Click here to book an Intro to LaunchVic call with Jack.

If you have any questions or concerns about this Office Hours session, please email

Alice Anderson Fund | Ask Me Anything

Mark Newman

Startup Programs Manager at LaunchVic

Session Description

Essential to any growing startup is a killer pitch. Whether you’re targeting new clients or hoping to fundraise, it’s essential for Founders to be able to clearly, succinctly, and convincingly pitch their concept. Thankfully, LaunchVic is here to help prepare you and provide feedback on your pitch.

Helping provide this feedback will be our General Manager of Startups, Peter Goldsworthy, and our Startup Programs Manager, Mark newman.

Pete has 15 years of founder, scaleup exec and investor experience in Southeast Asia, as part of a startup factory that produced,, snapcart and Admax Network.

Mark runs LaunchVic’s pre-accelerator program, CivVic Labs, which has had alumni startups raise over $2.5 million in early-stage funding since 2022.

In short, they both know what makes a great pitch.

So if you’d like help with preparing your pitch, or getting feedback on what you already have, book in a session!

Click here to book a Pitching Practise & Feedback Session.