Startup Database - LaunchVic


An open-source database for the Victorian startup ecosystem

The Victorian Startup Database is a free dedicated source of real-time data for startup founders, investors, corporates and policy makers.

Powered by international data provider,, the startup database promotes Victorian startups to local and international investors, provide investors with an easy to use platform to find Victorian startups and inform government decision making.

Discover and track Victorian startups,  angel groups, venture capital firms, accelerators and more.

Explore the Victorian startup database

Track your startup or portfolio with macro trends and fine-grain data

Examples of data you can find on the platform:

In addition to uncovering macro trends and headline figures about tech in Victoria, the database offers investment-grade company level data on all startups, scaleups and corporates catalogued.

Create an account

For founders

The data is publicly sourced so we’re predicting there may be some errors and omissions.

Register for free to claim your profile and put your best foot forward to potential investors – local and international.

For investors

The Victorian startup database is a comprehensive database of publicly sourced startups in Victoria. It features the ability to easily search and find startups according to a variety of criteria including stage and sector, as well as macro analysis on Victoria’s ecosystem including funding, technologies etc.

Looking to find an investment? Register for free to explore the startup ecosystem and rising stars.

For accelerators

The Victorian startup database provides accelerator programs with a central place to find startups that may be suitable for your program – and to connect with alumni to track their success.

Search for startups by sector, technology, stage and more to connect with companies and add or update your accelerator profile to get real-time information on your alumni.

Register for free to setup your profile today.

For government

Data transparency has the power to accelerate entrepreneurship and innovation by enabling informed decision making.

It contains the ability to understand the sector at a macro level, including the number of startups, investments, support services, technologies being employed and much more.

Register for free to start researching the trends and trend makers today.

For journalists

The Victorian startup database is a comprehensive database of publicly sourced startups, investors and support services data from within Victoria.

It’s a one-stop-shop for you to keep up to date with what’s happening in the Victorian Startup Ecosystem, find stories and see data.

Register for free to set up an account to get started.