LaunchVic’s New CEO Announced  - LaunchVic

LaunchVic’s New CEO Announced 


Last Updated: 31 Aug 2016

Chair of LaunchVic, Ahmed Fahour, today announced Dr Kate Cornick as the new CEO of the Victorian Government’s $60m startup initiative.

Mr Fahour said Dr Cornick, recently Managing Director of ASX-listed workforce software firm Rision Limited, would bring significant experience to the CEO role.

“With LaunchVic now firmly established, the time is right for a CEO who comes from within the startup sector to lead the entity into its next phase,” Mr Fahour said.

The announcement comes just days after Mr Fahour joined Minister for Small Business, Innovation and Trade Philip Dalidakis in unveiling a $6.5 million boost to Victoria’s startup ecosystem, with the first round of LaunchVic grants and funding for 18 projects across the state.