
Victoria is home to one of the world’s largest biotechnology clusters, from global companies like CSL and GlaxoSmithCline to homegrown tech unicorns PolyNovo, Mesoblast, Clinuvel and Telix Pharmaceuticals.

Accelerating the growth of Victoria’s HealthTech startups will generate a range of economic and health benefits including increased export revenue, employment growth, more efficient health services and better patient outcomes.

HealthTech companies have created 1.1k jobs in the last two years, adding new jobs 55% faster than the already-over performing healthcare sector (+9.7% growth). (Source: Dealroom Jobs Report, 2021)

LaunchVic continues to support the growth of this sector through a range of funding and investments it makes.

HealthTech in Victoria

One in five startups focused on health

18% of Vic startups focus on HealthTech

Ranked in the Top 10% of Life Science markets globally

Home to 70% of Life Science deals in Oceania

1100 Jobs Created (2019-2021)